Ed’s Kicheree Recipe
Ed’s Kicheree Recipe
from Ed Zadlo D.Ay - please use the rice or grain that works for you.
- excellent as a Mono diet for cleansing and fasting or as the basis of a Sattvic diet.
1/2 - 1 cup split Mung Beans (you can use yellow or green with the covering, the covering adds more fiber. I personally prefer the yellow split mung beans)
1/2 & 1/2 Rice & Beans + Twice the liquid gives solid Kicheree 1/2 - 1 cup Basmanti Rice (cooks at the same rate as the mung beans) 1/2 & 1/2 Rice & Beans + 3-5 times the liquid gives "Soup"
I usually use equal amounts of rice and beans and make enough in the morning for the day. It is very important to eat food that is fresh and hasn’t been kept overnight in the refridgerator.
1 inch fresh Ginger - peeled and chopped 2 tblsp ghee 1 tsp Turmeric 1 tsp Coriander powder 1 tsp Mustard seeds 1 tsp Cumin powder or cumin seeds 1 pinch of rock or sea salt 1 pinch of Hing (asafetida)
2-6 cups water ( Add 3-5 times the amount of stock as total rice mix for soup and 2-3 times the amount for Kicharee)
1. In a large pot- heat ghee on med/high
2. Add the ginger, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, numeric, hing, coriander and stir 1-2 min until spices become aromatic.
3 Add rice and beans and stir until all grains are coated.
4. " Dry Roast" 3-4 min. stirring continuously.
5. Add water and salt and bring to boil. 6. Cover - reduce heat to medium and cook for 30 minutes for solid kitcharee or 40-60 min. for soup.
Add sliced vegetables of your choice and/ or a sliver of Kombhu and some Nori before starting final cooking time