Cleansing Ama
Cleansing Ama
Cleansing Ama
The first stage of most healing processes usually involves a preliminary detoxification program. Most of us suffer from an accumulation of toxins, undigested food particles, or waste material called Ama in Sanskrit. According to Ayurveda, disease is actually a crisis of AMA. Ama is a toxic, morbid substance (both systematic and cellular) produced by undigested food. Ama not only causes disease but also blocks the assimilation of nutrients. Without first cleaning this accumulation, the right herbs and foods cannot be absorbed. When Agni or digestive fire is strong, Ama will not be formed.
Of the 6 tastes, sweet, salty, and sour increase AMA. The main herbal method to treat Ama is to burn it up with herbs that increase digestive fire. The best are hot spices like cayenne, black pepper, dry ginger, pippali or Indian long pepper, asafetida, and mustard. They can burn up AMA directly.
Other helpful spices include cardamom, cumin, coriander, basil and fennel. They destroy AMA indirectly by increasing Agni.
An herbal tea or vegetable juice fast is often a good start to detoxing. 3-5 days for Vata, longer or Pitta and Kapha. Fasting dispels toxins and enkindles digestive fire.
Triphala is a safe cleansing and laxative herbal formula. Take 3-10 grams before sleep. Triphala cleanses the bowels of toxins and improves digestive fire. Aloe Vera juice is also very helpful and cleanses the colon over a long period of time without reducing the digestive fire. Take 2-3 teaspoons 2-3 times a day with a little spice like ginger, black pepper or turmeric.
Anti Ama or detoxifying diet:
For detoxification fruit should be eaten in small amounts, avoid sweet fruits or fruit juices, especially bananas. Some sour fruit juices such as lemon, lime or grapefruit and astringent fruit like cranberry or pomegranate can be helpful.
Most vegetables are good detoxifiers. Raw or steamed.
Most grains are OK for mild or long term detoxification but not helpful for short or radical action. Avoid bread and pastries.
Kicharee is the best food for mild detoxification (see recipe)
Avoid beans that cause gas because they produce AMA, except for mung beans, which are very good for most AMA toxic conditions.
Avoid nuts seeds
Avoid dairy and animal products. Avoid oils; ghee can be used in small amounts.
Avoid sweeteners.
All spices are generally good, salt increases AMA. Avoid sour foods like vinegar, wine and pickles.
No cold foods or beverages. Hot teas like ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom are good. Avoid coffee but a little black tea is OK