Thyroid Care
Thyroid Care
Thyroid Care
Thyroid problems may be on the rise. This increase is in part due to the increasingly hectic lifestyles that many of us engage in today, and also because of a lack of proper nutrients in the soil. The majority of people with thyroid problems have hypothyroidism, which is an under-productive thyroid condition.
Regarding Hashimoto’s autoimmune disease -“ If you don’t love yourself you attack your body. This is also relevant for Multiple Sclerosis and Lupus. Wake up and smile at yourself in the mirror”, Dr. Vasant Lad Ananda Ashram lectures 2017
Ayurvedic medicine seeks to restore balance to our bodies by returning the doshas or your personal constitution to their correct levels, those in which you were born.
Here are some signs associated with a low-functioning thyroid:
High levels of lethargy
Coldness in the hands and/or feet
Crying without reason
Frequent constipation, headaches
Dry skin
Being overweight may also be related to thyroid dysfunction
The thyroid also controls the hormones that determine obesity and your cholesterol level, so it is important to keep your thyroid in check for numerous reasons.
Some of the recommended remedies for thyroid condition include: Cooking with and massaging with Coconut oil.
Practicing yoga- in particular the position Sarvangasna, or the shoulder stand.
Another beneficial yoga position is the halasana, or plow position. Both of these asanas stimulate the gland in the neck significantly. (Not recommended while menstruating.) Other effective asanas include Surya Namskara, Pavamuktasana with emphasis on the head and neck exercises, yoga mudra, Suptavajrasana, and all backward bending asanas.
(Before making any changes to your diet make sure you first consult with your primary physician or practitioner in case you are currently taking a medication that might have a negative interaction with the supplement.)
Herbs that Ayurvedic medicine suggests for a hypothyroid condition include shilajit, jatamansi, and punarnava.
Guggulu in the diet helps to stimulate the thyroid. Increasing iodine consumption - seaweed is a good source
Hyperthyroid - Kaishore Guggulu (K ↑) Hypothyroid - Triphala Guggulu
Kanchana Guggulu reduces benign masses in the thyroid
Some diet suggestions: Drink lots of hot ginger tea
Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid dairy and wheat products. Avoid salty foods
Constipation is often a problem for people who suffer from thyroids. Triphala is an Ayurvedic remedy for constipation. Triphala is made up of three fruits, amalaki, haritaki, and bibhitaki, which come from India. It is thought to balance the three doshas, or humors, in Ayurvedic thought and is used as a remedy for many other things as well.
And you can also begin to add these:
Hemp seeds
Butterseed lettuce
Dulce and other sea weeds
No Tuna or Fish Oils
Celery juice
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